- This event has passed.
Town Hill Farm Horse Trials
August 29, 2021

8.11.21: Accepting Post Entries through Sunday, August 22, no late fee. Only off-site stabling available.
8.10.21: Starter, jumps will be 2’3” max but most will be smaller.
7.30.21: On-site stabling is over-subscribed; off-site stabling at the Millbrook HTs site is the only option for stabling. Site is about 20 minutes from Town Hill.
7.29.21: On-site stabling is full. Working on alternate off-site, information to follow.
Town Hill Farm H.T. | Lakeville, Connecticut (AREA 1)
USEA Event ID: 17739
Event Date: Aug 29, 2021 Open Date: Jul 13 Close Date: Aug 10
Address: 55 Lime Rock Rd (Rt. 112), Lakeville, CT 06039 From East: Rt. 44 to Rt. 7 South, right onto Rt. 112. From West: Rt. 44 to 112 East. There are separate entrances as follows: The entrance for competitors is located off Rt. 41 west of the farm entrance; turn left at Hotchkiss Corner. Spectators will enter at the main entrance to the farm on Lime Rock Road/Rt. 112. Please follow signage carefully.Visit ou rwebsite www.townhillfarm.com for directional maps.
USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: T,N,BN
USEF/USEA Recognized: P
USEA Recognized Tests: Starter
Tentative Schedule:
Sat: Cross Country courses open – 3 PM. Sun:7:30 Dressage, 9:30 Show Jumping, 9:45 XC, with upper levels followed by lower. Schedule is tentative so check website for updates!
Starting Times:
Available August 27 at www.townhillfarm.com and www.area1usea.org or e-mail [email protected]
Event Officials
TD:James Gornall, (S) MA Judges: Pres:Mikki Kuchta, (r) NY Dressage Judges:Mikki Kuchta, (r) NY, Katie Rocco, (r) MA, Roberta Carleton (r) CT SJ Judge:Margie Hutchison, (S) NY CD: XC:John Williams,(S) NY CD: SJ:William Robertson, (r) KY
Entry Information
Send Entries to:
Secretary: Erin Keehan, 703 County Hwy 126, Amsterdam NY 12010. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 518 428-4386. Enter On-Line at www.evententries.com or mail hard copies to the secretary.Visa/MC, Discover, AmEX and Checks accepted. Entries are not accepted until coggins, signature page, and paymentis received in full. Draw checks to Town Hill Farm.
Org: Town Hill Farm and Molly Bull 434 962 0306 [email protected]
Event Fees Directory – see individual section for details. Draw checks to Town Hill Farm. Entry: Starter: $125, BN, N divisions: $195.00, T: $210,P:$220.00. Stabling:Very limited stabling on grounds on a first come, first serve basis with very limited overflow to off grounds option. $100 per stall for Saturday night on grounds. Refunds: Before C.D.-Less $25 non-refundable office fee. Withdrawals will not be honored unless e-mailed on or before C.D. NO PHONE WITHDRAWALS WILL BE ACCEPTED. After C.D.-Less $25 ONLY if place can be filled from wait list. Competition cancellation-No refund. USEA Starter/D&M Fees and COVID-19 Recovery Fee Refund Policy: The USEA Starter/D&M fees ($25) and COVID-19 Recovery fee ($5), are not subjected to office fees, and shall be returned within 30 days of the competition to any rider who does not start the dressage test.
Entry fee includes a $25 non-refundable office fee. $25 return check fee. Double entries: Not accepted. BN competitors must beUSEA members and horse registered. All changes MUST be in writing-$25 fee for all changes made after C.D.Refunds: Before C.D.-Less $25 non-refundable office fee. After C.D.-Less $25 ONLY if place can be filled from wait list. The USEA Starter/D&M fees ($25) and COVID-19 Recovery fee ($5) are not subject to office fees, and shall be returned within 30 days of the competition to any rider who does not start the dressage test. Competition cancellation-No refund. Starter: USEA membership/horse registrations are waived, and the USEA Starter/D&M/COVID Recovery fees do not apply. Neg. Coggins required for all horses within 12 months. CT State Law requires all horses to have proof of current rabies vaccination-please include with entry. Absolutely no changes, scratches and/or other requests will be accepted by text message or FaceBook Messenger. No Exceptions.All communications by email only, please. Do not call the secretary between 9 am – 6 pm Mon through Friday. The secretary has a full-time job. Reminder: All USEF Life and Senior Active members, as well as participants who have regular contact with minor athletes, are required to comply with the US Center for SafeSport training requirement, to be eligible to participate in the competition. All participants must adhere to the US Center for SafeSport Code, USEF Safe Sport Policy, and the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies. More information about these can be found at www.usef.org.
Competitor Information
1st place prizeplusribbons through 8th place. Special Awards: Jockey Club TIP Awards in each division, please send horse TIP registration to secretary with your entry for eligibility.
Limited on grounds stabling at $100/stall per night. Permanent stabling 10×10 stalls, with stall doors provided. On grounds available first come, first serve basis with limited overflow to near by off grounds option. Initial bedding only will be provided. Additional shavings will be available at $9 per bag. Stalls must be stripped, include a $25 refundable stall depositseparate check, please, or leave credit card info with Event Entries to do by credit card.Your deposit will be returned/destroyed once your stall is checked. Veterinarian: Millbrook Equine Veterinary Clinic, (845) 677-5500, # posted at secretary´s office.
Interlaken Inn- 1 1/2 mile 860-435-9878. Iron Masters Inn – 2 miles 860-435-9844, White Hart Inn – 3 miles 860-435-0030, Sharon Country Inn – 3 1/2 miles 860-364-0036, Race Brook Lodge 7 1/2miles 413-229-9019. Limited Campingavailable on grounds contact organizer for details and approval.
P-2400 m @ 520 mpm.T-2500 m @ 450 mpm. N-2000 m @ 400 mpm. BN-1800 m @ 350 mpm. Starter-1000-1400m @ 250mpm; jumps will be 2’3″ max, but most will be smaller. All courses: Average, for horses with some experience at these levels.Waterand ditches at alllevels.Terrain: Rolling hills. Cross-country courses closed August 15th.
Other Information:
Event will follow current USEF, CDC, and state of Connecticut guidelines for Covid based on current conditions in August. Check website for updates on protocols. Cross-country course closed August 15th. Show Jumping Course is on rubber/sand all weather footing, enlarged ring. Entries limited to 200 total. Levels will be divided/combined as entries warrant, state preferences under the Eligible Section and be sure to include birth date on entry. All dogs must be leashed at all times. Food and beverages available on grounds. Helmets must be worn at all times when mounted. XC Pinny holder required with number insert provided. Alimited number of holders will be available on grounds for $20. Visit www.townhillfarm.com for updates and competitor information. EV114 Dress 1. PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR. a. At all levels of eventing competition, from beginner novice through advanced, at Federation Endorsed competitions and recognized competitions, riders must wear headgear as follows, except as may otherwise be mandated by local law (see also GR801): b. Upon arrival, anyone riding a horse must wear properly fitting protective headgear which passes or surpasses ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. Harness must be secured and properly fitted. “Every class offered herein which is covered by the rules and specifications of the current USEF rulebook will be conducted and judged in accordance therewith”. “Every class offered herein which is covered by the rules and specifications of the current USEF rulebook will be conducted and judged in accordance therewith”.